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发布时间:2022-06-21     浏览量:   分享到:









1. 基于新型钙基材料的石质文物保护研究(国家自然科学基金项目 批准号:B050121975202)2020.01-2023.12主持人,在研。

2.基于磷灰石材料的文物保护技术研究(省协同创新团队项目, 批准号:2017C-20)2018.01-2020.12,主持人,已结题。

3. 基于纳米无机材料的脆弱骨质文物加固保护研究(国家自然科学基金项目, 批准号:B0116 21461022)2015.01-2018.12,主持人,已结题。

4. 新型自凝性纳米氟磷灰石露天石质文物保护材料研究(国家自然科学基金项目, 批准号:E02 51262026)2013.01-2016.12,主持人,已结题。

5. 关于无机质文物保护材料的探索研究(“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”项目, 批准号:NCET-13-0937)2014.01-2017.12,主持人,已结题。  

6. 石质文物的氟磷灰石仿生封护关键技术研究(教育部科学技术研究重点项目, 批准号:212182)2013.01-2014.12,主持人,已结题。  

7. 古代建筑基本材料(砖、瓦、灰)科学化研究子课题(国家科技支撑计划项目, 批准号:2012BAK14B05)2013.01-2014.12,主持人,已结题。

8. 纳米氢氧化钙的绿色制备及其在文物保护中的应用研究(陇原青年创新人才项目 批准号:[2008]46)2020.01-2023.12主持人,在研。



1. Lu Ruicong, Wang Lu, Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei , Yang Lu, Wang Liqin, Gao Xiang. Conservation of surface gypsification stone relics using methanol solution of barium hydroxide as a novel treating agent. Applied Physics A, 2022, 128(1): 1-8(SCI).

2. He Lu, Wang Lu, Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei , Gao Xiang. Preparation of calcium oxalate film on the surface of historic carbonate stone in a humid environment. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46(3): 1099-1104(SCI).

3. Liu Yan, Lu Ruicong, He Lu , Wang Ximan, Wang Lu, Lv Xinyan , Zhang Kun and Yang Fuwei . Consolidation of Fragile oracle bones using nano calcium sulfate hemihydrate as a protectant. Coatings 2022, 12, 860.

4. Lu Ruicong, He Lu, Li Ting, Yang Fuwei , Liu Yan, Zhang Kun, Chen Xinan. A novel protection method for carbonate stone artifacts with gypsum weathering crusts. Coatings, 2022, 12, 1793.

5.Wang Lu, He Lu, Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei , Zhang Kun, Chen Xinnan and Gao Xiang. A novel immersive calcium carbonate coating for conservation of limestone relics with a gypsum crust. New Journal of Chemistry, 2022, 46, 15967

6. 刘妍, 吕新妍, 杨富巍 ⃰等. 无机材料在骨质文物加固保护中的应用. 无机化学学报, 2022, 38(5), 777-786(SCI).

7. 董讨玲, 杨富巍 ⃰, 刘妍. 烷氧基钙材料在石质文物保护中的应用研究进展.化 工新型材料, 2022, 50(10): 27-30(核心).

4. Dong Taoling, Liu Yan, He Lu, Yang Fuwei , Zhang Kun. Preparation of hydroxyapatite coating for the conservation of gypsum crust on historic limestones. Materials Letters, 2021, 12: 100103(SCI).

5. Liu Yan, Dong Taoling, Zhang Kun, Yang Fuwei , Wang Liqin. Preliminary Study of the targeted cleaning of an artificial gypsum layer on white marble. Coatings, 2021, 11(37):1-8(SCI).

6. Liu Yan, Hu Qing, Zhang Kun, Yang Fuwei , Yang Lu, Wang Liqin. In-situ growth of as a consolidating material for the archaeological bone. Materials Letters, 2021, 282(1), 128713(SCI).

7. Zhang Kun, Sui Ying, Wang Liqin, Tie Fude, Yang Fuwei , Liu Yan and Zhang Yue. Effects of sticky rice addition on the properties of lime-tile dust mortars. Heritage Science, 2021, 9:4(SCI).

8. Zhang Kun, Wang Liqin, Tie Fude, Yang Fuwei , Liu Yan and Zhang Yue. A Preliminary Study on the Characteristics of Lime-Based Mortars with Egg White Addition. International Journal of Architecture Heritage, 2021, 1871790(SCI).

9. 杨富巍 ⃰, 刘妍, 张坤, 周伟强, 张秉坚. 羟基磷灰石材料在文物保护中的应用述评. 文物保护与考古科学, 2021, 33(2): 105-109(核心).

10. 刘妍, 何璐, 杨富巍 ⃰, 张坤, 孙满利, 张秉坚. 草酸钙材料在石灰岩文物保护中的应用研究综述. 欧亿6蓝狮在线学报(自然科学版), 2021, 51(3): 390-396(核心).

11. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, Wang Liqin. Exploratory research about the selective cleaning of calcium sulfate sediments on archaeological potteries. New Journal of Chemistry, 2020, 44,7412-7416(SCI, IF=3.07).

12. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, He Dongcheng, et al. Protection of the surface weathering stone artworks by a chemical conversion method. Construction & Building Materials, 2018, 182, 210-214 (SCI, IF=3.17).

13. Yang Fuwei, Liu Yan, He Dongcheng, et al. Conservation of bone relics using hydroxyapatite as protective material. Applied Physics A, 122,479, 2016(SCI, IF=1.63).

14. Yang Fuwei, Liu Yan. Artificial hydroxyapatite film for the conservation of outdoor marble artworks. Materials Letters, 124, 201-203, 2014(SCI, IF=3.08).

15. Yang Fuwei, Liu Yan, Zuo Guofang, et al. Hydroxyapatite conversion layer for the preservation of surface gypsification marble relics. Corrosion Science, 88,6-9, 2014(SCI, IF=5.24).

16. 杨富巍, 刘妍, 王建斌, 杨春风. 甘肃秦安陇城镇. 文物, 43 (6), 936-944, 2014 (CSSCI, IF=0.65).

17. Yang Fuwei, Liu Yan, Zhu Yuancheng, et al. Conservation of weathered historic sandstones by biomimic apatite. Chinese Science Bulletin, 57(17), 2171-2176, 2012 (SCI, IF=1.08).

18. Yang Fuwei, Liu Yan, Zuo Guofang, et al. Biomimetic fluorapatite films for conservation of historic calcareous stones. Chines Science Bulletin, 57(13), 1590-1594, 2012(SCI, IF=1.08).

19. Yang Fuwei, Zhang Bingjian, Liu Yan, et al. Biomimic conservation of weathered calcareous stones by apatite. New Journal of Chemistry, 35(4), 887-892, 2011 (SCI, IF=2.63).  

20. Yang Fuwei, Zhang Bingjian, Ma Qinglin. Study of Sticky Rice−Lime Mortar Technology for the Restoration of Historical Masonry Construction. Accounts of Chemical Research, 43(6), 936-944, 2010 (SCI, IF=21.80).

21. Yang Fuwei, Zhang Bingjian, Pan Changchu. Traditional mortar represented by sticky rice lime mortar-One of the great inventions in ancient China. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 52(6), 1641-1647, 2009 (SCI, IF=0.67).

22. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, He Dongcheng, et al. Incorporation of SiC nanoparticles into coatings formed on magnesium by plasma electrolytic oxidation. Advance Energy Science and Equipment Engineering II, 2017, 2: 531-534(EI).

23. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, He Dongcheng, et al. The soft-template technique to synthesize metal Ag nanoparticle. MATEC Web of Conferences, 2017, 110, 05014: 592-595(EI).

24. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei. Influence of potassium hydrogen tartrate on anodized film formed in environmental-friendly electrolyte on AZ91D magnesium alloy. Material and Corrosion, 2014, 65(7): 685-690(SCI).

25. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, Yang Lingjuan, et al. Determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by solid-phase microextraction coupled to HPLC using a fiber with mesoporous silica coating. Journal of Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 69 (7): 686–690(SCI).

26. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei. Plasma electrolytic oxidation of AZ91D magnesium alloy in biosafety electrolyte for the surgical implant purpose. Russian Journal of Electrochemistry, 2013, 49(10): 1102-1109(SCI).

27. 刘妍, 杨富巍, 张昭, 郭峰, 白晓华. 镁合金表面处理技术研究进展. 腐蚀科学与防护技术, 2013, 25(6): 518-524(中文核心).

28. Liu Yan, Wei Zhongling, Yang Fuwei, et al. Anodizing of AZ91D magnesium alloy using environmental friendly alkaline borate-biphthalate electrolyte. Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2012, 22(7): 1778-1785(SCI).

29. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, Yang Lingjuan, et al. Novel interface self-motion behavior in an oil/water system. Physics and Chemistry of Liquids., 2012, 50(1): 79-87(SCI).

30. Liu Yan, Wei Zhongling, Yang Fuwei, et al. Environmental friendly anodizing of AZ91D magnesium alloy in alkaline borate-benzoate electrolyte. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2011, 509(22): 6440-6446(SCI).

31. Liu Yan, Wei Zhongling, Yang Fuwei, et al. Anodizing of AZ91D magnesium alloy in borate-terephthalic acid electrolyte. Acta Physico-Chimica. Sinica., 2011, 27(10): 2385-2392(SCI).

32. 刘妍, 卫中领, 杨富巍, 盛慧博, 电解液组成对镁合金阳极氧化膜性能的影响. 中国腐蚀与防护学报, 2011, 31(4): 255-259(中文核心).

33. Liu Yan, Yang Fuwei, Yang Lingjuan, Kinetic determination of Cr2O72- by chemical oscillation method. Chemia Analityczna, 2010, 54:1397-1404(SCI).


1. 刘妍, 杨富巍, 李翰霆, 王丽琴. 一种石膏-碱式磷酸钙三维互穿材料及其制备方法(ZL202210459942.0).

2. 杨富巍, 鹿瑞聪, 刘妍. 一种文物表面石膏层的处理方法(ZL202111150314.6)

3. 杨富巍, 刘妍. 一种基于硫酸钙材料的脆弱骨质文物保护方法(ZL201811568543.8)

4. 杨富巍, 刘妍. 一种纳米磷酸氢钙的制备方法(ZL201710912734.0).

5. 杨富巍, 刘妍. 一种石质文物及石材表面石膏风化层选择性清除方法(ZL201510621975).

6. 杨富巍, 刘妍. 一种风化骨质文物的加固保护方法(ZL20140596581x.)

7. 刘妍, 杨富巍. 一种纳米氢氧化钙的制备方法(ZL201410595798.9.)

8. 刘妍, 杨富巍. 一种基于氟磷灰石材料的石质文物加固保护方法(ZL201510639789.X.)



1.科技部建筑材料科学技术二等奖(中国传统糯米灰浆科学机理及其在建筑遗产保护中的应用研究, 2019-Y-2-04-R02), 2020, 杨富巍, 排名第二。

2. 基于化学转化法的户外石灰岩文物表面封护处理研究(2017KYCGC-081) 省高校科研优秀成果三等奖2017,排名第一

3. 磷灰石在石质文物加固保护中的应用研究(20141046),省高校科技进步二等奖,2014年,排名第一

4. 镁合金微弧氧化有机抑弧剂的作用机制及其应用研究(2017KYCGB-068), 省高等学校科研优秀成果二等奖,2017年,排名第二。